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Celsius Home | Case Studies | Brandlesholme House – Office Ventilation
Industrial Air Conditioning Case Study

Brandlesholme House – Office Ventilation

Location: Bury
Client: William Hare Group
Duration: 12 Weeks
Cost: £115,000
Sector: Office Ventilation



Located in Bury,  Lancashire, Brandlesholme house is a two storey office building of traditional construction, having mainly open plan offices with high occupancy levels.

The client required the provision of ventilation to comply with best practice with regard to the provision of a COVID safe environment.

Celsius supplied installed and commissioned  20 off  Mitsubishi Lossnay  LGH 100 ventilation systems to office areas. These operate in conjunction with existing Mitsubishi air conditioning systems.

One of 20 off Mitsubishi Lossnay LGH100 ventilation systems distributing fresh air via grilles within the ceiling void.

Diamond drilling used to minimise builders work to traditional stone walls.

Circular cast aluminium weather louvres give a durable, maintenance free finish, ideal where access is difficult and avoiding the use of lintels.

Final commissioning using a calibrated  Balometer to ensure exact provision of the correct amount of fresh air to the space.

Ventilation systems operate together with air conditioning systems whenever the building is occupied.

For more information on any of our projects or to discuss your own project please contact us.

To see our update on the role of ventilation in virus suppression please click here